Sep 24, 2019 • 5 min read

Goli Gummies, Beeswax Wrap, ESA Letter...


Here are some exploding trends we
think you should know more about.

Graphs show popularity over the past 5 years. Popularity includes discussion, searches, shares, and more.
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The recently-launched Goli Gummies is pouring money into ads, driving over 300k visits to their site,, up from 14k in April (respond “Goli ads” to this email to see their full set of 120+ Facebook ads).

While the health benefits of apple cider vinegar – the core ingredient in Goli gummies – are hotly debated, it has been relaunched over the past few years in different forms. Each time, it has seen strong interest. From 2017-2018, the apple cider vinegar peaked, from 2018-2019, apple cider vinegar pills peaked, and this summer, interest in apple cider vinegar gummies rose for the first time.

This change in form factor seems to have come about after consumers demanded something better tasting and more convenient to consume while on-the-go, as it’s often consumed just before meals. With consumers struggling to find time to fit in their health routines, products like Goli gummies and portable blenders, which we featured early this year, are rising to fill the need.

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Rising in popularity, ESA letters (emotional support animal letters) were traditionally written by licensed mental health professionals in person. These letters protect patients’ rights to have a pet in their home, free of charge, under the powerful federal Americans with Disabilities Act, and can extend to plane travel.

As a rise in online discussion and searches for ESA letters drives anxious consumers to sites like and, more sites are popping up offering the letters after a short survey and consultation.

As a result, laws are being considered that aim to regulate these online services. In fact, a bill is being considered in Michigan right now that would require these doctors to operate out of a physical office space and have had the customer as a patient for a minimum of 6 months.

These laws make it harder for newer companies to start up and have sometimes led to markets for outsourcing a qualification. For example, to sell security alarms within the US, companies must get licensed as an alarm provider company in all the states where they plan to sell products. The process requires that companies have a certified security alarm professional, essentially an individual with a specific number of years of experience and certifications from a variety of tests. As newer and smaller companies entered the industry without naturally having those certified team members, they realized they could outsource this qualification. Consequently, there exist individuals who take tests, maintain their status, and rent out their qualification as a service, essentially letting companies use their name for $800-$1500/mo depending on the state.

As with the security industry, we may see a rise in outsourced qualifications to meet new legal requirements as demand grows.

And because the internet has allowed consumers to educate themselves on their conditions and possible treatments, there’s been a growing fundamental shift in how patients get treated; It’s changed from consumers visiting their doctor and saying, “Here are my problems, what should I do?”, to now saying “I already know what to do, please give me this prescription.”

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Beeswax wrap – kitchen food wrap made from beeswax paper – has already beat our Saran Wrap, Reynolds, Glad, and Kirkland to take the #1 rank in Amazon’s Household Wrap category.

In addition to being part of the larger shift towards zero waste products, these beeswax wraps keep fruits and vegetables fresh for longer than plastic bags because of the natural antimicrobial properties.

Despite the higher price tag at about $18, beeswax wraps can come out to a similar price considering they’re reusable and last around a year. This compares to plastic wrap’s one-time use then – according to Amazon’s “most common” label on the subscribe and save feature for plastic wrap products – repurchase every few months.

As environmentally-friendly products gain greater adoption, we’ll start to see economies of scale kick in and yield lower prices to compete with traditional products. To learn more about seeing trending consumer products, respond “consumer products” to this email.

Post by: Glimpse