
We track every topic across the internet to identify growing trends.

Glimpse • Dec 19, 2019 • 14 min read

RoboKiller, Mouth Tape, Back Market...

For millions of listeners, lo-fi music is the soundtrack to their workdays, study sessions, and sleep. But the phenomenon isn’t just about the beats — there’s a fascinating backstory to the trend’s rise in popularity. Read →

Glimpse • Dec 19, 2019 • 4 min read

Mouth Tape, Lofi Music, Cubii...

The trend of taping one’s mouth shut at night in order to gain a better sleep and reduce dry mouth, snoring, and throat soreness is gradually making its way to the mainstream, and manufacturers are beginning to cash in with “sleep strips,” which are essentially just branded strips of tape priced at enormous markups. Read →

Glimpse • Dec 19, 2019 • 4 min read

Mouth Tape, Cubii, Stojo...

The trend of taping one’s mouth shut at night in order to gain a better sleep and reduce dry mouth, snoring, and throat soreness is gradually making its way to the mainstream, and manufacturers are beginning to cash in with “sleep strips,” which are essentially just branded strips of tape priced at enormous markups. Read →