A Look at Instance Variable Performance — You know when tenderlove starts a post with “Let’s start today’s post with a weird Ruby benchmark..” you’re in for a fun read and will learn how the order in which you define instance variables can affect performance (under somewhat contrived circumstances).
Aaron Patterson
Puma 4 Released: New I/O 4 Your HTTP Server — Puma, a popular Ruby/Rack web server, works using a ‘reactor’ and the new version 4 soups it up on Unix (sorry Windows) by using nio4r to significantly increase performance and concurrency.
Richard Schneeman
Why is Ruby Slower on Mac? An Early Investigation — You might recall we recently linked to some benchmarks where Discourse’s Sam Saffron found that Ruby runs a lot slower on macOS. But why? Turns out trying to answer that is rather difficult.
Noah Gibbs
🎧 Podcasts of the Week
There have been a few interesting Ruby related podcast episodes this week that are worth checking out if you have time:
On Ruby and Type Checkers — Going along with the Sorbet news, here is one Rubyist’s thoughtful opinion on the subject.
Jorge Manrubia
Rails 6 Adds Array#extract! — extract! removes and returns elements for which the given block returns true (versus reject! which returns the array).
Amit Choudhary