A Syntax for Anonymous Struct Literals — A proposed new Ruby feature where ${a:1, b:2} would be roughly equivalent to Struct.new(kw.keys).new(kw.values) (where kw is {a:1, b:2} ) which may be more practical in situations where you’d use a hash now. There’s already a pull request to bring this to Ruby.
Koichi Sasada
Writing Better, Type-Safe Code with Sorbet — The initial Sorbet hype has abated, so now we’re into the Real World Examples phase. Here are four such examples that had me wishing I had interned at Shopify.
Shopify Engineering
Advanced Active Record: Using Subqueries in Rails — When your N+1 queries go beyond includes , understanding subqueries lets the database do the heavy lifting and minimizes round trips. Leigh goes through several real-world(ish) examples.
Leigh Halliday
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How GitLab Scaled Async Workload Processing with Sidekiq — GitLab found Sidekiq to be a great tool for async processing until it couldn’t keep up.. but here’s how they got it back on track. (Their Sidekiq fleet is 26 servers with 158 CPUs between them, so GitLab’s problems are, let’s say, of a ‘certain scale.’)
Rachel Nienaber (GitLab)
Troubleshooting Encoding Errors in Ruby — Most of us probably don’t think about encoding until it breaks, so being aware of how to deal with common encoding errors is a good id\xCF\x88\xCF\x88.
José M. Gilgado
The Ruby Spec Suite Compatibility Report — ruby/spec is the specification for Ruby compatibility targeted by all major interpreters. Here, Benoit tests TruffleRuby, JRuby, Opal, and Artichoke to see how they fare.
Benoit Daloze
Rails and JavaScript: The Early Days — Noel (author of many Rails books, including one back in 2008) starts a series on the relationship between Rails and JavaScript. This first post covers pre-3.0 or, if you like, The RJS Days.
Noel Rappin
MiniTest for Those Who RSpec — Two developers talk about MiniTest, RSpec, Tailwind CSS, factories, fixtures, Faker, Shoulda and a lot more besides.
Remote Ruby