Spark Joy by Running Fewer Tests — Tests are slow and sometimes people feel they can impact the joy of coding, but in many cases they’re necessary. Shopify experimented with using dynamic analysis to reduce the tests run on each PR and reclaimed some ‘joy.’
Jessica Xie (Shopify)
⚡️ Quick bits:
- Sadly the Travis Foundation is likely to shut down soon, and with it the Rails Girls Summer of Code project.
- So Basecamp (y'know, the place that invented Rails) have unveiled their new email system, and delightfully it's just progressively enhanced HTML delivered 100% over the wire and backed by Ruby, of course.
Find a Job Through Vettery — Vettery specializes in tech roles and is completely free for job seekers. Create a profile to get started.
ℹ️ Interested in running a job listing in Ruby Weekly? There's more info here.
Rails 6.1’s ActiveModel Errors Revamp — The various ways to access mpdel errors are moving from a hash-like interface to a data structure that removes internal sync errors and is more object-oriented. This is a good thing.
Redis Lua Scripting for Library Writers — Lua is a popular, lightweight, embeddable language and it’s used by the Redis in-memory data structure store. This post demonstrates a way to load in Lua scripts to a Redis server on the fly from Ruby.
Wander Hillen