#474 — October 31st, 2019 |
JRuby Released — The popular JVM-based Ruby implementation takes a few more baby steps forward with the complete Ruby 2.5.7-level standard library, RubyGems 2.7.10, thread safety improvements, and better Java module support.
JRuby Core Team
Senior Web Developer at Dr. Bill — Dr. Bill helps Canadian doctors save time by streamlining their billing. Help lead our team into the next phase of growth.
Have You Tried Vettery? — Vettery specializes in tech roles and is completely free for job seekers. Create a profile to get started.
Streaming Large ZIP Files in Rails — A thorough article that is download framework agnostic. I especially enjoyed the content around HTTP headers and how they affect the browser’s behavior.
Piotr Murach
Improving Performance with Flame Graphs — This post explains a quick and easy set up for Rails alongside an explanation of how to read a flamegraph to find opportunities for optimization.
Howard Wilson
Go Is The New Ruby(?) — This is not so much a comparison to Ruby as it is to Rust, citing the happiness of a Ruby developer is analog to their Go counterpart.
Frank Denis
🛤 Small Things Rails 6 Added
The folks at BigBinary write frequent blog posts covering the non-headline features of Rails 6 (which came out two months ago now) and while we include them from time to time, they have so many that we're doing a round-up here 😄
RubyCritic 4.2.0: Now With SimpleCov Support — RubyCritic is a tool for producing reports about your Ruby code’s quality. It uses other tools like Reek, Flay, Flog, and now SimpleCov to produce reports about things like complexity, code smells, and test coverage.
Fast Ruby Blog