A Look Inside the Ruby Concurrency Toolbox — This post covers threads, fibers, and guilds (hypothetically) and while you’ve likely seen all of this before, this is a solid explainer with practical comparisons.
Alex Braha Stoll
GitHub CLI Now in Beta — GitHub has unveiled a new command line tool designed to make it easier to work with GitHub and common workflows there like handling pull requests, etc.
Twitter 7.0: A Ruby Interface to the Twitter API — A long standing library that had gone quite some time without any updates, but a flurry of activity this week has resulted in a new major version which now officially supports Ruby 2.6+.
Erik Berlin et al.
How Do I Use Rails Ruby Bench? — Noah Gibbs is likely THE Ruby/Rails Benchmarker Supreme and Rails Ruby Bench is his tool of choice. This is not as easy as expected, but there are so many edge cases.
Noah Gibbs
Find a Dev Job Through Vettery — Vettery is completely free for job seekers. Make a profile, name your salary, and connect with hiring managers from top employers.
Does Your App or Gem Need an Upgrade? — If you need to upgrade your Rails Application or dependencies and need a skilled partner, reinteractive can help. Ask for a free quote.
How to Deploy a Rails App to AWS Elastic Beanstalk — “Elastic Beanstalk is kind of analogous to Heroku…The big difference is that Heroku is generally really easy and Elastic Beanstalk is a giant pain in the ass.” Still, the tutorial is good.
Jason Swett
httplog: Log Outgoing HTTP Requests in Ruby — Potentially handy for debugging API integrations or just get a feel for what’s going on under the hood. Hooks into HTTP, HTTParty, Net::HTTP, OpenURI and others.
Thilo Rusche
OmniAuth GitHub 1.4: A GitHub Strategy for OmniAuth — If you’re using OmniAuth for GitHub-powered OAuth logins for your apps, this is an important upgrade as GitHub has deprecated param-based authentication and this is the first OmniAuth GitHub release to support header-based authentication.
OmniAuth Community