The Results of a Survey into RuboCop's Defaults — Over 700 RuboCop users were surveyed about their preferences around the popular code analyzer and formatter’s default settings. The results make for interesting reading: the majority went for single-quoted string literals, a 120 character line limit, and never using and or or .
Bozhidar Batsov
delete_in_batches: A Fast Way to Delete with Active Record — Bills itself as “the fastest way to delete 100k+ rows with ActiveRecord” by deleting rows in batches. Usually I’d have a skeptical look on my face at such a bold claim, but given the author, I’ll try this out next time I’m wiping evidence data 😁
Andrew Kane
Happy Rails Deployments with Cloud 66 — The simplicity of Heroku on your own servers. Deploy your Ruby, Rails, Sinatra and Rack application to any cloud or server. Try it free and get extra $66 free credits with the code: Ruby-Weekly
Cloud 66
Creating a Ruby Gem with Rust — Rust is an increasingly popular compiled, safety-first systems programming language and calling libraries built with it via Ruby FFI is pretty easy.
Richard Patching
Find a Job Through Vettery — Vettery specializes in tech roles and is completely free for job seekers. Create a profile to get started.
ℹ️ Interested in running a job listing in Ruby Weekly? There's more info here.
Two Commonly Used Rails Upgrade Strategies — You can create a separate branch and bring that up to speed before merging it in or.. you can take baby steps by ‘dual booting’ your app up the versions.
Luciano Becerra
▶ Setting Up a New Mac for Development — You’d need to be dedicated to the cause to watch all of this video, IMHO, but nonetheless, it’s neat to skim through and see how an experienced developer sets up a new Mac from scratch for Ruby and JavaScript development work.
Justin Searls
Speeding Up Rails with Memoization — Memoization is the idea of saving/caching a method’s return value so it can be more rapidly returned in future (rather than recalculating it from scratch). This is really an introduction to memoization in Ruby but touches on some Rails use cases at the end.
Jonathan Miles
A Quick Comparison of Approaches to Multitenancy in Webapps — ‘Multitenancy’ is simply the idea of having a system support numerous end-users, such as a webapp that has numerous users. There are a few ways to deal with this in Rails whether at the row level (e.g. a user_id column on a model), schema-level (e.g. namespacing or per-customer tables), or database level (e.g. a different database for every user).
Tomasz Wróbel
pry-rescue: Start a Pry Session Whenever Something Goes Wrong — If you use the turbo charged Ruby shell Pry, consider adding this to your arsenal. You run your script with rescue instead of ruby and you end up in Pry when an exception is raised. An older project, but just recently got a tiny update to stop warnings on Ruby 2.6+.
Conrad Irwin
Jekyll 4.1.0 Released — The popular static site generator adds excerpts for pages and updates to some common filters.
Ashwin Maroli