Ruby Weekly

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Issue #466

05 Sep 2019 »

#466 — September 5, 2019

Ruby Weekly

Matz Says Bye Bye to the Pipeline Operator |> — The ‘pipeline operator’ was a piece of syntax added to Ruby head on an experimental basis as an alternative to method chaining, but Matz said it caused ‘more confusion and controversy’ than he had expected. However, the idea of letting comments appear within multiline method chains appears to have stayed..

The Ruby Programming Language

Sidekiq 6.0 Released — The popular background job framework reaches 6.0 by both adding (logging formatters, ActiveJob integration) and taking away (init.d daemons). Pro and Enterprise versions have also been updated to match.

Mike Perham

🤔 How Well Do You REALLY Know Ruby's Exception System? — Download your free copy of Starr Horne’s thirty-nine-page eBook and quickly level-up to Exception Master. 😎

Honeybadger sponsor

How Ruby Encodes References - Ruby's 'Tiny Objects' Explained — There are three levels of Ruby object in terms of the underlying storage.. large objects, small objects, and ‘tiny’ objects which are stored within a single 8 byte/64 bit reference.

Noah Gibbs

DHH on 'Arming the Rebels' with Rails 6 — David Heinemeier Hansson, the creator of Rails, joins the Ruby Rogues crew to discuss Rails 6, how the core team works, and how he feels about Rails’ position in the app development space.

Ruby Rogues

Numbered Parameters Coming to Ruby 2.7, With a New Syntax — If you want to access parameters in a block, say, you could use the normal |param| syntax or, in future, address the parameters numerically using special variables _1, _2, and so on. This replaces a former proposal for using a @1 type syntax instead.

Yukihiro 'Matz' Matsumoto

💻 Jobs

Ruby on Rails Developer at X-Team (Remote) — Join the most energizing community for developers. Work from anywhere with the world's leading brands.


Find a Ruby job through Vettery — Make a free profile, name your salary, and connect with hiring managers from top employers.


📘 Articles & Tutorials

A Rubyist's First Impressions of GitHub ActionsGitHub Actions, still in beta, is a service for automating ‘software workflows’ such as CI/CD, deployment, releases, etc. How does it feel when using it on a Ruby project?

Vladimir Dementyev

▶  Implementing Push Notifications with ActionCable — How to use ActionCable to broadcast Push Notifications to users of your Rails applicaion.

Drifting Ruby

Automated Code Reviews for Ruby — Set standards and alerts on coverage, duplication, complexity, and style issues, and see real-time feedback in your Git workflow.

Codacy sponsor

Rails 6 Adds filter_attributes on ActiveRecord::Base — Think of it as the attributes version of filter_parameters so you don’t log sensitive info.

Amit Choudhary

Testing an External API Integration with the VCR Gem — The briefest of introductions to the vcr gem, a way to ‘record’ and playback HTTP interactions – ideal for testing.

Alexander Spitsyn

Working with Rails 6's DNS Rebinding Attack Protection — It’s as easy as adding values to config.hosts.

Prathamesh Sonpatki

Service Objects: Beyond 'Fat Models' and 'Skinny Controllers' — A brief explanation of why one team uses service objects whenever they can.

Cleiviane Costa

3 Keys to Upgrading Rails — Thoughts on building a proper workflow to upgrade Rails apps between different versions.

Kevin Solorio

Ruby 2.7 adds FrozenError#receiver

Romil Mehta

🛠 Code and Tools

Ferrum: A 'Fearless' Ruby Chrome/Chromium Driver — If you’ve used JavaScript’s Puppeteer for controlling Chrome from code, this is the same idea but in an idiomatically Ruby fashion. Looks good!

Dmitry Vorotilin

Architect 6.0: A Serverless Deployment Tool Now Supports RubyArchitect is an interesting way to create and deploy serverless apps and now works with JavaScript, Python and Ruby.

Ryan Block

Monitor and Analyze Ruby App Performance in Real-Time. Try Datadog Free

Datadog sponsor

Upcoming Features in Shrine 3.0 — An extensive look forward to the future of Shrine, a popular file attachment and uploading toolkit for Ruby apps.

Janko Marohnić

youtube-audio: Extract Videos From YouTube in Audio Format

Jorge Hernandez
