Sidekiq 6.0 Released — The popular background job framework reaches 6.0 by both adding (logging formatters, ActiveJob integration) and taking away (init.d daemons). Pro and Enterprise versions have also been updated to match.
Mike Perham
DHH on 'Arming the Rebels' with Rails 6 — David Heinemeier Hansson, the creator of Rails, joins the Ruby Rogues crew to discuss Rails 6, how the core team works, and how he feels about Rails’ position in the app development space.
Ruby Rogues
Numbered Parameters Coming to Ruby 2.7, With a New Syntax — If you want to access parameters in a block, say, you could use the normal |param| syntax or, in future, address the parameters numerically using special variables _1 , _2 , and so on. This replaces a former proposal for using a @1 type syntax instead.
Yukihiro 'Matz' Matsumoto
Automated Code Reviews for Ruby — Set standards and alerts on coverage, duplication, complexity, and style issues, and see real-time feedback in your Git workflow.
3 Keys to Upgrading Rails — Thoughts on building a proper workflow to upgrade Rails apps between different versions.
Kevin Solorio