Ruby Weekly

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Issue #504

04 Jun 2020 »

#504 — June 4, 2020

🖤 It's time to speak up, donate or even just stream a fundraising video, because Black lives matter.

Ruby Weekly

▶  Discussing Rails Deployment and Hosting Options with Nate Berkopec — I remember when the only Rails hosting option was to spin up your own server and use mod_ruby 😧 or FastCGI 😱 Nowadays, there’s a lot more choice and this podcast runs through some of the options including deployment tooling.

Rails with Jason podcast

rails new --minimal: A Minimal Rails App Skeleton Generator — Remember when the Rails core team wanted to hear about all your Rails WTFs in May? One outcome of this is a just merged --minimal option for rails new to create the barest of Rails app skeletons.. no Active Job, no Spring, no Webpack, etc.

Ruby on Rails

We’ve Helped Customers Speed Up Postgres Queries by 1000x. Learn How in This Free eBook — With pganalyze, companies like Atlassian are able to speed up their queries by orders of magnitude. In this eBook, we share our best practices for optimizing Postgres performance.

pganalyze sponsor

RubyKaigi 2020 Now Cancelled — Not a huge surprise at this point, but this year's RubyKaigi event, which was set to take place in September, has now been cancelled as a result of the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic. The in-person event will return in 2021, and planning for an online event of some sort is now underway.


Writing Better Stimulus Controllers — If you’re new to Stimulus (like me) this post will unveil some of the framework’s more advanced ideas, such as composible controllers.

Matt Swanson

Geared Pagination 1.0: Paginate Active Record Sets at Variable Speeds — Always nice to see code extracted from and used by Basecamp (since that’s where Rails started in the first place). The idea here is that you might want to have different quantities on different pages when paginating.


💻 Jobs

Announcing a 100% Remote Opportunity as a Sr. Ruby on Rails Dev — We are passionate about giving devs the chance to do meaningful work by building transformational technology solutions.


Find a Job Through Vettery — Vettery specializes in tech roles and is completely free for job seekers. Create a profile to get started.


ℹ️ Interested in running a job listing in Ruby Weekly? There's more info here.

📘 Articles & Tutorials

Why You Should Avoid Nested Single-Table Inheritance — STI has always seemed like a really sharp knife with no handle. Sure, you can use it, but you better be very careful.


Full Page Caching in Rails with Nginx and Redis — Do you have pages that do not require authentication or personalization? Then page caching might give you a major performance boost and let some pageviews skip Rails entirely.

Vito Botta

Why Use Factory Bot Instead of Creating Test Data Manually? — What’s the advantage over creating test data manually? The answer is perhaps most easily explained with an example.

Jason Swett

Need to Upgrade Rails? Download The Complete Guide to Upgrade Rails 🚀 | Rails Upgrade Services sponsor

The Best Tool for the Automation Job — A perspective on why Ruby is a fantastic language for automation.

Sean Felipe

Configuring Webpacker for Rails 6 with Bootstrap, jQuery and Hot Module Reloading

Ismael Boukhars

▶  Using the RubyMine IDE with Docker Compose


🛠 Code and Tools

RubyMine 2020.2's Early Access Program (EAP) is Open — RubyMine is a popular commercial Ruby IDE from JetBrains and they’ve opened up their temporarily free to use early access builds for the next version.


Passenger 6.0.5 Released — The latest version of the Passenger application server is out, complete with new packages for Ubuntu 20.04.


Announcing CockroachDB 20.1: Build Fast, and Build to Last — Meet the resilient, scalable SQL database with ActiveRecord compatibility. Try CockroachCloud free for 30 days →

Cockroach Labs sponsor

SearchFlip: Full-Featured Elasticsearch Client with Chainable DSL — If you need Elasticsearch’s powerful brand of full text search in your Ruby apps, this is a great option. The latest release now lets you convert SearchFlip criterias to raw Elasticsearch queries for code reuse and there’s also instrumentation support.

Benjamin Vetter

AlchemyCMS 4.6: A Rails CMS Engine — A CMS you can run standalone or bake into your existing Rails apps. There’s a live demo too.

magic labs GmbH

AttrJson: Serialized JSON-Hash-Backed Active Record Attributes — Focused on Postgres which has great native JSON type support.

Jonathan Rochkind

ActiveRecord::PostgresEnum 1.0: Postgres's Enum Data Type Support for Active Record

Misha Merkushin

cfndsl: A DSL for Generating AWS CloudFormation Templates — One for AWS users only, and certainly makes a difference to the usual YAML or JSON approaches.

Steven Jack

SassC: Use libsass with Ruby — Might be useful now that Sass no longer has an official Ruby based implementation.


Piperator 1.2: Composable Pipelines for Enumerators — Inspired by both Elixir’s pipe operator and Node.js streams.

Ville Lautanala
