Happy Independence Day to those of you in the United States :-) |
6 Changes You Might Have Missed Coming in Ruby 2.7 — Things like Module#const_source_location , FrozenError#receiver and the deprecation of certain, special, Perl-inspired global variables. Also, if you press up in IRB, you’ll be able to bring up an entire method definition in one go, rather than line by line.
Sebastian Sogamoso
Automated Code Reviews for 27 Languages — Take the hassle out of code reviews - Codacy flags errors automatically, directly from your Git workflow. Customize standards on coverage, duplication, complexity & style violations. Use in the cloud or on private servers. Get started free.
Write Ruby. Save Lives — Ruby/JS developers: help us build our genome analysis platform and save lives of critically ill children.
Brewing Our Own Template Lexer in Ruby — A practical walkthrough of building a basic lexer (the parser part will come later) as a way to implement your own templating language (in this case a subset of Mustache). Not many of you will need to do this, but it’s good to know how.
Benedikt Deike
Slop: Simple Lightweight Option Parsing — Not the most appealing name for a library, but a compelling choice for defining a command line app’s options and having them get parsed for you.
Lee Jarvis